Finding Sanctuary
Monastic Steps for Everyday Life
Abbot Christopher Jamison
W & N
In response to the growing number of people seeking sanctuary, there is an upsurge in creative groups offering sanctuary
The Annual Quiet Day 15TH – 17TH JUNE 2007
• explore the place silence and stillness can play in your life by taking
part in a quiet day near you
• details available at
Download a Meditation onto your iPOD or MP3 Player
Connect to the spirituality of the Christian Church
Retreats at Worth Abbey
"Generous with his insights, but never self-righteous, smug or preachy. I felt better for meeting him, and I think his guidance is spot on. Heaven knows, most of us need all the peace we can get"
Richard and Judy
Daily Express
Finding Sanctuary is also available on CD . To listen to a clip click here